The FEBC Bookroom serves both the College students and the Christian public. It carries not just FEBC Press books and textbooks, but also other theologically conservative books and Biblical reference tools. It has a wide selection of King James Bibles, and specialises in books defending the KJV and its underlying original language texts. Write to the Bookroom for a catalogue. Trade enquiries welcome.

Beulah House Beulah House

FEBC Bookroom

FEBC Bookroom

FEBC Bookroom FEBC Bookroom

FEBC Bookroom

FEBC Bookroom FEBC T-Shirt

FEBC Bookroom

FEBC Bookroom
10 Gilstead Road, Singapore 309064
(Beulah House, 2nd Storey)

Contact Us:
Tel: (65) 6256 9256
WhatsApp: (65) 8810-7853
Email: febc@febc.edu.sg

Opening Hours:
Mon – Fri: 1 pm to 6 pm (till 7.30 pm on Mon & Thurs night classes)
Sat, Sun & Public Holidays: Closed


Newton Station

1 & 2 –Bus Nos. 48, 66, 67, 170, 170A, 171, 700, 960
3 & 4 –Bus Nos. 5, 54, 124, 143, 162, 167
5 –Bus Nos. 5, 54, 124, 128, 143, 162, 167, 171, 700
6 –Bus Nos. 5, 54, 124, 128, 143, 162, 167, 171, 518, 700

The Defined King James Bible The Defined King James Bible


The Defined King James Version (Collingswood NJ: The Bible for Today, 1998). It is with profound thankfulness to God Almighty and our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ, the WORD OF GOD, that we come together to launch The Defined King James Bible. Not that the KJB is not available in the shops, but this Bible is different. In what way?

First. Difficult, archaic words and obsolete words are defined with modern English equivalent on each page in the footnotes. This removes at once a commonly raised objection to the use of the KJB.

Second. In forty pages of companion NOTES, the case for the continued usage of the Queen of English Bible Translations is simply and powerfully set forth, as well as the subtle corruption of every Modern English Version is clearly exposed.

Third. This Defined KJB is published by defenders and lovers of God's Word purely as an encouragement to God's faithful remnant and not for filthy lucre (which motivates the giant Bible publishers). It signals to all the world, that God has raised up a banner of Truth in the USA and Far East, for such a time as this.

For "when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him" (Isa 59.19). The Defined KJB is a standard raised for God.

May all of God's faithful remnant people rally to the Good Book, and together let us join hands around the globe as we "earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints" (Jude 3). All glory be unto the Holy Triune God. Amen.


For Sales Enquiries, please contact the Bookroom.