“Holding forth the Word of Life” Philippians 2:16
“Holding fast the Faithful Word” Titus 1:9
The FEBC Bookroom serves both the College students and
the Christian public. It carries not just FEBC Press books and textbooks,
but also other theologically conservative books and Biblical reference
tools. It has a wide selection of King James Bibles, and specialises in
books defending the KJV and its underlying original language texts. Write
to the Bookroom for a catalogue. Trade
enquiries welcome.
FEBC Bookroom
10 Gilstead Road, Singapore 309064
(Beulah House, 2nd Storey)
Contact Us:
Tel: (65) 6256 9256
WhatsApp: (65) 8810-7853
Email: febc@febc.edu.sg
Opening Hours:
Mon – Fri: 1 pm to 6 pm (till 7.30 pm on Mon & Thurs night classes)
Sat, Sun & Public Holidays: Closed
Newton Station
1 & 2 –Bus Nos. 48, 66, 67, 170, 170A, 171, 700, 960
3 & 4 –Bus Nos. 5, 54, 124, 143, 162, 167
5 –Bus Nos. 5, 54, 124, 128, 143, 162, 167, 171, 700
6 –Bus Nos. 5, 54, 124, 128, 143, 162, 167, 171, 518, 700